Oct 29, 2010


Apryl Altman and Sharon Parker

Ann Milliman, Sue Donaldson, and  Barbara Driscoll

5 x 7: Art On The QT

Adding to the evening’s proceeds of almost $15,000 were the select silent auction items which included a cruise, a stay at a Homestead condo, pottery, jewelry and a cocktail party for 20.

The 2010 colorful signature artwork donated by Polly Nunn set the tone for what is to become an annual event.  Plans are already underway for the 2011 gala.

One of Three Coin Tosses!
Tony Taylor and John Broderick 

Front row, Cindy May, Sue Donaldson. 
Back row, Karen Schwartz, Charlene Zolad, Apryl Altman.
Other committe members Ann Milliman, Barbara Driscoll, Elaine Abbott, and Sharon Parker.

Sue Donaldson, chairman of this year’s 5 x 7: Art On The QT, wishes to thank all those who donated so generously of their talent and time, especially the artists, silent auction donors, food committee members and those who supported the gallery by their attendance that evening.

Our deepest appreciation to sponsors Davenport & Co. LLC, Towne Bank and Middleburg Bank for their underwriting.

Proceeds from the evening will support our ongoing Education and Outreach programs.

Photos by Karen Anderson Schwartz